Sunday, November 8, 2009

A Testimony for Gav & Jane

Hi all,

Let me write a little testimony for Gav & Jane in tribute to their wonderful marriage yesterday!

(official pictures with Jeanette!)

I've known Gavin since around I guess, 1999 when we went for YISS together. We were in the same group then! He had an ah-beng-ish hairstyle and looked quite fierce in his green school tee then and I was quite frightened of him before talking to him. But it turns out he had an amazing capacity to make people laugh and that's how I knew him then at first -- A person who makes other people laugh. :)

Later we joined ministry YAM in 2001 and throughout the years, I just recall one thing that Gavin once said, that "Ministry is for Life". To make that statement, "Ministry is for Life" is an amazing thing. It shows that even if he might not be in YAM, he may still be serving God, somewhere, some place and doing some other thing for GOD!

As for Jane, what more can I say? She is an inspiration for all of us, to be courageous to love someone, to be simple and cheerful and to simply Love God with all our hearts, our minds, our souls and our bodies. It is only apt that Jane and Gav walk together in the rest of their life, within the calling of "Ministry" that God has brought them into thus far.

How can one focus on the eternal so much? That is what also impressed me about their wedding. Centrered around God and prayer, they really make a firm stand of their faith, within the world we live in that is so ready to forget about God. But Gavin and Jane reminds me that GOD is the reason to live and be in "Ministry" for.

It's only when we have a GOD-Perspective like them, that we see life differently. We will then be able to sustain through ups and downs of life especially while serving God, because Ministry is for Life.

Colossians 3:1-4
Since, then, you have been raised with Christ, set your hearts on things above, where Christ is seated at the right hand of God. Set your minds on things above, not on earthly things. For you died, and your life is now hidden with Christ in God. When Christ, who is your life, appears, then you also will appear with him in glory.

So thanks to Gav & Jane for being an example for us, to love and serve God and each other as brothers & sisters in Christ. ;)

God Bless,

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