Friday, November 28, 2008

Hungering for God

An article from TGIF Today God Is First, by Os Hillman

God looks down from heaven on the sons of men to see if there are any who understand, any who seek God. Psalms 53:2 - Acts 21:11-12

"I really don't understand why I should come to this. How can I really benefit?" was his response. At that moment, I realized that I was wasting my time with this man on whom I had invested much throughout his Christian walk. He was often like a roller coaster-up one minute, down the next.

"You simply aren't hungry enough," I commented to my friend.

Whenever someone must always rationalize and examine whether the things of God are beneficial to them, you know that they are not hungry enough for God.

I recall one time when I was in a difficult place. I received an audiotape from a man who gave me some insights into my problem. I was hungry enough to book a flight to a city 500 miles away just to meet him and find out more. My finances were at a very low point, so it took some real faith to do this. That meeting turned out to be a divine appointment and became a turning point in my life.

God is looking for men and women who hunger to know Him. When we believe that we know all we need to know, we are in a dangerous place. God has placed men and women in the Body of Christ who have had different experiences and gifts that can be helpful in our own spiritual pilgrimages. It requires humility of heart to realize that we can learn from others. We can easily rationalize our business pressures and time commitments to discount such opportunities.

Sunday, November 16, 2008

Revival Seminar 2008!

Presenting..... Revival Seminar 2008!
in 3 weeks' time... on 19 - 21 December.

Finally, after 3 years we are organising Revival Seminar again! So spread the word. Come and join us for this retreat that will help us to literally experience spiritual revival and a renewed love for God once again. View for more details!

In the meantime, if you want to contact someone, you could email us at! or RSVP on Facebook HERE>

This was the old flyer (initial):

And this is the new flyer, designed by Gavin! Cool eh!

Friday, November 7, 2008

Tears of Joy

Here's a lil sharing from me!

For me, I tear when I am both happy and sad. When I laugh too much, I end up crying. The same goes when my heart is "moved" say, during a prayer or song... i feel like crying. It's an ironical reaction and makes me wonder if I've got my emotions all wrong! However, the truth is that I really haven't cried in a long while. So what does that mean? Perhaps... in my case, it's something like for a long while, I haven't had that "moving" experience? so you could say, i've been feeling...kinda numb. You could also say, I'm just being "normal", having no particular high or low feeling.

Well, I could also be the type that buries everything inside and have a big downpour once in a long long while. Coz you can't go crying every week right? Whatever the case, tears are refreshing. When you cry, you become vulnerable, but you are also "washed"... letting go of all the stress, burden, fear,... and just letting it out.

So, finally, today... I "tear-ed". Why? because I received an email tonight, from my host family in Melbourne during World Youth Day in July this year.

And so for the first time, it hit me... that it is God who brought me to Melbourne-Sydney, though at that time, I did not FEEL anything. Throughout the whole pilgrimage, I was pretty much a "sight-seeing" tourist.. haha.. So if there's anything I brought back, it was the love I received from this wonderful family of Kevin & Trish McGlade, my hosts during our stay at Melbourne (before we went over to Sydney).

Through Trish (the mother of 3), I saw the importance and strength of a praying mother. She is a strong catholic in her family, and I believe, is the one who constantly pushes and guides her sons to try to serve or do more stuff at church. They are still finding it tough though! And Kevin McGlade, is a gentle father who is humurous as well as knowledgeable. He always speaks in a calm manner, and has lovely kind and smiling eyes.

Some of Trish's words in her email to me:

"Hello Sam, I've just been going through olps website. It was really wonderful to see you there among the orchestra. It's great that, as a group, you are offering your love of music back to God as a thank you for His gift."

"I have been thinking of you quite often and wondering how your new job is going...."

Of course, Trish wrote much more. But just this email and the effort of keeping in touch even after WYD, made me realise, that I was there simply to experience this little love - coz it's only when we received something, that we learnt how to reciprocate and give back.

Thinking back, I remember the last night after the farewell dinner in the McGlade's house, we presented our hosts - the McGlades - with souvenirs from Singapore... and before we knew it, Trish was tear-ing because she was so touched! Then all of us (4 girls!) cannot tahan already and all began to cry too... of course, Kevin was trying to maintain his composure!

Anyways, through that 5 days staying in the McGlade's house, it was a wonderful time of Grace and Love. I now remember it fondly and am glad I can claim to now have a friend and lovely motherly mentor & family, all the way in Melbourne.

God's purposes reach far beyond what we can even fathom. He has a purpose for each and everyone of us.

Let's thank God for the people whom we have met, and the people whom we will meet and touch tomorrow.

May God Bless You!


Thursday, November 6, 2008

Birthday Greeting to our 2 Lovely Ladies...

Dearest Elaine & Natalie!

THis is an early greeting for both of you! Wishing u both a Happy Birthday! Btw... Nat's is on 8th, and Elaine's is on 11th! ;)

Both of you have been great sisters in christ to us at YAM... and we thank you for your inspiration, involvement and support to us in YAM so far!

So... How many years have we known you? It's been so long!

May God continue to bless and guide you and lead you into new paths and new truths! May He continue to teach and empower you. Continue to seek Him and do His work... you are a great servant of the Lord.

Thank you and we love you! BE Loved!

And not to forget, we also wish SHAUN a belated Birthday! His B-day was on 4th November! Shaun is an amazing keyboardist who joined us for a while some time ago. Very glad that he is still keeping in touch with us!

Shaun, I pray that God will continue to guide you as well, towards fulfilling the potential you have inside, and that you may continue to seek Him, and worship the Lord with everything you've got! Stay cool dude and continue to love god, the church, and us at YAM ahahah!

God Bless,