Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Practicing the Presence of God

"Enoch walked with God" (Genesis 5:24).

The true test of a person's spiritual life and character is not what he does in the extraordinary moments of life, but what he does during the daily grind of everyday life when there is nothing tremendous or exciting happening. In the 1600's, there was a monk named Brother Lawrence who was a dishwasher in his monastery.

He made a profound discovery that is true for every believer in the workplace today. "For me the time of activity does not differ from the time of prayer, and in the noise and clatter of my kitchen, while several persons are calling together calling for as many different things, I possess God in as great tranquility as when upon my knees at the blessed Sacrament."

You see, he found no urgency for retreats, because in the common task he met the same God to love and worship as he did in the stillness of the desert. It is this kind of life that Jesus desires for each of his children. Enoch was also a man that practiced the presence of God. The Bible does not give a detailed account of is life. All we know about him is that "He walked with God." In fact, it says in Genesis 5:22 that Enoch walked with God 300 years! Wow! That is faithfulness!

What does it mean to practice the presence of God daily? It means we are constantly talking to our Heavenly Father about the issues in our day. It means praying about things as they come up. It means stopping at a red light and praying for the person God brings to mind. It means singing a song in your car while you are sitting in traffic. That is practicing the presence of God.

Today, when God gives you times alone or there are needs that arise, stop and consult your Heavenly Father about the situation. Then you will be practicing the presence of God.

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

He never leaves us...

And I will ask the Father, and he will give you another Counselor, who will never leave you. John 14:16

Take comfort in the constant presence of the Holy Spirit.

Monday, May 19, 2008

Last week's session: God Makes A Difference

This week, we heard testimonies from Jacqueline, Elaine, Priscilla & Gavin (above L-R) on how they had been renewed after their encounter with the Holy Spirit. It was enlightening, funny, and the session ended off with sharing and ministering prayer. It was great and we also prayed for Pris Wong's mum who joined us at this particular session! Welcome also to Chantale & Lynette joining us for the first time!

Sunday, May 18, 2008

A prayer that anyone can pray...

God, sometimes I wonder why in the world I go through the things I do. What lesson is it that I am supposed to learn? I rejoice in the times You have allowed me to have "faith experiences"--times that have tested and strengthened my faith in You. I know that faith experiences are usually not easy, but they end up being a blessing in disguise. Please, hold me up and keep me from stumbling. Continue to bless me that I may be a blessing to others and to You. Work through me so that my faith experiences will be a testimony to help others who need a special touch. I love You, Lord.

In Jesus' name, amen.

Saturday, May 10, 2008

Cab Success!

Been so long since i sent a testimony...

I was late for work and so wanted to grab a cab. There's a sudden lack of cabs around my area today and in front of me, a woman carrying a baby is a small distance up-road. The shade she stood in was not as good as mine, so i prayed that she'd get a cab soon.

Usually when i pray for cab, i always ask God to send a few empty cabs (must be specific ma)... for myself and others.

Waited for a good 20 min praying persistently. The woman gave up and went off to a block to rest or find better spot to find cab. In the meantime, there are people who try to cut my 'queue' by appearing up-road. I just prayed for them too. (If many empty cabs come, there shouldn't be a need to get pissed at them).

But God did a very classic thing. A cab missed the first guy, went passed the second one since he failed to flag it down, and came straight to me. I was so amazed. I asked the driver why he didn't stop for the other 2. He said while turning at the curve, he didn't see the first one. And the second one was on the phone and so he assumed he was booking a cab since he didn't raise his hand. So I was the one who raised my hand. Praise God! Cos Queue-wise, I am suppose to get the next cab. God is SO SO Good!!!!

God Bless

Friday, May 9, 2008

Daily Devotionals. Do you?

Think about it. We have 24 hours in a day. If every minute, we are bombarded with all kinds of messages from others, or even ourselves... and negative ones... how do we face the world? How do we overcome lies, deception, negativity, unbelief, cynicism, loss of hope, selfishness, etc... with abundance, love, joy, peace, purpose, worth, other-mindedness, giving, freedom... ?

Do you have a daily devotional? You may need one... (unless you have a daily regime of reading your bible!)

Subscribe to one easily... there's so many online. If you'd like, get this one which I subscribe to. Note: it is New Living Translation version...


Don't worry about anything; instead, pray about everything. Tell God what you need, and thank him for all he has done. Philippians 4:6

When you have a concern or a problem, to whom do you turn first? God wants to be at the top of your list. Come to him with an attitude of thanksgiving, knowing that he will answer.

Thursday, May 8, 2008

Latest Testimonies since we started Intercessory on 17 April

After our 1st RE:NEW session with Gerard & Jessica Francisco on Sat, 3 May:

Latest from Vanessa Carvalho on 8 May 2008
I think God is really moving so powerfully this week. I am in awe as I speak. I thought that by praying for God to move at the workplace, just meant a more peaceful mind at this point of time. Well, He does exceedingly abundantly more than what we ask or think of (eph 3:20)… The good news is that someone got the ball rolling and we'll be having our first IT dept Christian gathering for prayer tomorrow at lunch time. This is really a breakthrough :-) I pray it gets better, from glory to glory. Do pray it goes well.

Winston: Thanks for praying with me last night. My cold is healing nicely and my sense of smell is gradually returning! Praise the Lord! And definitely praise you guys for your heartfelt prayers :D Wins

Kelvin: Thank you and your ministry people for the warm hospitality shown. The session was good and I think this is the third time I am hearing from Brother Gerard. Anyway, I am glad to meet so many nice people, I did really enjoy it and have a great time. Will wish to catch up with you and your ministry people… May God bless you in your work and your loved ones. Warmest regards, Kelvin

Since our last 2 intercessory prayer meetings, the desire to PRAY and ask GOD for HIS solutions for me have been stronger. WHY? Because prayer is like fuel for the going.. and in some can even be addictive! ;) I believe, once we build up a culture of prayer, we can move and be more effective in our lives... more 'victorious'.