Thursday, February 26, 2009

The Christian Walk

I read these excerpts from a christian magazine called 'ignite'. It certainly makes sense. Here's some excerpts:

Our daily walk with the Lord is much more important kind of walk than walking or running for exercise. It is not enough to start the Christian race well; finishing well is crucial. Because walking with God is a daily walk, it is easy to grow weary and lose heart at various places in the race.

Some lose heart when it seems like their efforts are not bearing fruit.. Galatians 6:9 encourages us not to lose heart, "And let us not lose heart in doing good, for in due time we shall reap if we do not grow weary" (NASB).

In your Christian walk and ministry, it is not so much how you begin, but how you finish that matters. Perhaps you are starting your Christian walk. Or you may have started your Christian walk years ago. But there is still a long way to go to the finish. (Rev. Dr Rick Langston)

So what's it like for you? Running or Lagging?

I think we catholics have much to do. We need to grow spiritually, for one. I just see a typical syndrome happening. People go to catechism, acquire head knowledge. For the many, parents might not be their spiritual role models. Then they get confirmed, and they continue going for Sunday mass. But as it is, sunday is the only time they hear about God. During the week, all is forgotten or put to a side.

Where's our faith visible in the real world today?

We need to grow deeper in our faith, our Catholic lives, our beliefs, our determination, our evangelism, our love for others, etc!

"The Lost Generation" cool video

Leo posted this to our email and i'm posting it up here coz it's cool!

"The Lost Generation"
2 mins only

Have you seen it yet?

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Sunday, February 8, 2009

Hope 107 FM

Praise the Lord for a wonderful Youth Commissioning Mass today. Will put up photos and video of Bro. Jovita's sharing soon! Keep Watch!

Meanwhile, I just discovered this radio channel recently. Hope 107 FM. Go listen. When it's not in Indonesian, it is broadcasting christian music and sometimes it there are also some sermons broadcasted.

Though we catholics are pretty careful when it comes to things that are so called 'protestant' in origin, that is not the point here. The point is, there is christianity found on our secular radio channels.

It might be a nice break once in a while from your usual 98.7 or 98.0 FM..

And just another quote for today:
A. W. Tozer once wrote, "It is doubtful whether God can bless a man greatly until he has hurt him deeply." God has a mission for your life and mine. But before we can carry out that mission, we will often go through the boot camp of adversity. If this is where you find yourself today, ask God to give you His grace to walk through this time with you. He promised He would never leave or forsake us.