Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Let's Sing...

hi all,

RS 2008 has just ended! Shall we say a thank you prayer to God?

"Thank you Lord for the Revival Seminar 2008 that has just passed, for the hearts touched, for your love that poured down upon us that weekend. Lord we celebrate your birth this Christmas, and we give our lives for your purpose. Use us and mould us. We love you Lord!"

And so let's sing...

Thursday, December 18, 2008

Show Us the Ancient Paths

THis is a song that never fails to inspire me, draw me back to the "path" and to hope for the future once more. It's a majestic song,.. poignant tune,... and simply breath-taking. Today, i hear this song again, and am amazed that I was able to find lyrics and a youtube video online. Previously, could not find anything much.

I was hearing this song and just closing my eyes trying to picture the scenario. ANd i just thought of a very "lonely" eternal highway. It's quite empty. But it is going on forever. Of course, it leads to Jesus. or Jesus is the one walking on it. But people are not... they are in their own businesses, occupying themselves in their worlds. The highway is empty...

Show us the Ancient Paths

Intro: C-C9-F C-C9-F

Lord we confess that we have wandered
F G Am F-G
Far from Your purpose and plan
And willingly walked in the wrong
F G Am
We’ve disobeyed your commands
Father forgive us
Em Am
Spirit come lead us
Dm C
Back to the way, back to the truth
Back to the foot of the cross

Am Em
Show us the Ancient paths
F G Em E
Lead us along eternal highways
Am G F C
We want to walk in the ways of Jesus
Dm F E
We want to enter Your rest
Am Em
Show us the ancient paths
F G Em E
Lead us along eternal highways
Am G F C
We want to follow the footsteps of Jesus
Dm G C (Intro)
We want to enter your rest

Lord it’s Your mercy and good intention
That constantly calls us to You
Your infinite patience and kind correction
Your covenant love coming through
You promised joy, you give us grace
And courage to carry the cross

We want to leave a clear set of footprints
For those who would follow behind
Signposts in our lives that point to Jesus
A pathway they’ll easily find
We want to fill up the suff’rings of Jesus
As we obey, our lives display
The glorious way of the cross

You are our hope and our salvation

Another song (really oldie) that i love is "Send Your Fire". ho ho ho... this is the super oldies of P&W music. hahaah. Something like music of the 50s ... even before the 60s. The "60s" would be something like Hillsong's 'touching heaven changing earth'... ho ho ho ...

Then again, this is only in "sam's" timeline. It works differently for everyone i think! ;)

Sunday, December 14, 2008

Seek Ye First

Tonite, I asked the Lord... what is my life to you?

God said...in my heart... don't you want to live in heaven with Me forever?

Hear this song:

Thursday, December 4, 2008

Mar & Jac off for Philippines Mission Trip!

Marlene & Jacqueline are going off today to Philippines - Payatas, to Paaralang Pantao (a humane school) for a mission trip over the weekend. They will be staying in the school, helping kids with handicrafts, christmas carols and stuff. These kids are very poor and survive with makeshift materials from wherever they can find from the dumpsite. So keep them in prayer and that Marlene and Jac will bring back many great testimonies and photos for us!

Read other accounts of mission trips to Payatas

Wednesday, December 3, 2008


An excerpt from a post on SgForums by "adetet" on 5 July 08

" ...I am not a Catholic. I actually had a negative impression of Catholics. The first Church I ever attended was the Novena Church and I liked the priests homily. Its down to earth. Protestant Churches are more warm in the way they greet you, the music and prayers, services etc. are meant to bring you to an emotional high. But if you listen to the Eucharistic prayer in the Catholic Church ? man, nothing beats that; . it is so moving and powerful. And if anyone has ever listend to a Euchasristic prayer during Mass, they would know that protestants talk rot when they keep claiming that catholics do not know God the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. and Catholics worship Mary as Goddess. This stubborness to accept what is before their very eyes turned me off Protestant Churches and Protestant pastors who would condemn the Catholic Church from their holy altar. I have never heard a Catholic Priest use the altar to condemn Protestants! Which is why when I want to go to Church, it is only a Catholic Church I will go to and my
very favourite is the Novena Church."


Friday, November 28, 2008

Hungering for God

An article from TGIF Today God Is First, by Os Hillman

God looks down from heaven on the sons of men to see if there are any who understand, any who seek God. Psalms 53:2 - Acts 21:11-12

"I really don't understand why I should come to this. How can I really benefit?" was his response. At that moment, I realized that I was wasting my time with this man on whom I had invested much throughout his Christian walk. He was often like a roller coaster-up one minute, down the next.

"You simply aren't hungry enough," I commented to my friend.

Whenever someone must always rationalize and examine whether the things of God are beneficial to them, you know that they are not hungry enough for God.

I recall one time when I was in a difficult place. I received an audiotape from a man who gave me some insights into my problem. I was hungry enough to book a flight to a city 500 miles away just to meet him and find out more. My finances were at a very low point, so it took some real faith to do this. That meeting turned out to be a divine appointment and became a turning point in my life.

God is looking for men and women who hunger to know Him. When we believe that we know all we need to know, we are in a dangerous place. God has placed men and women in the Body of Christ who have had different experiences and gifts that can be helpful in our own spiritual pilgrimages. It requires humility of heart to realize that we can learn from others. We can easily rationalize our business pressures and time commitments to discount such opportunities.

Sunday, November 16, 2008

Revival Seminar 2008!

Presenting..... Revival Seminar 2008!
in 3 weeks' time... on 19 - 21 December.

Finally, after 3 years we are organising Revival Seminar again! So spread the word. Come and join us for this retreat that will help us to literally experience spiritual revival and a renewed love for God once again. View www.youthariseministry.com/RS2008 for more details!

In the meantime, if you want to contact someone, you could email us at rs2008@youthariseministry.com! or RSVP on Facebook HERE>

This was the old flyer (initial):

And this is the new flyer, designed by Gavin! Cool eh!

Friday, November 7, 2008

Tears of Joy

Here's a lil sharing from me!

For me, I tear when I am both happy and sad. When I laugh too much, I end up crying. The same goes when my heart is "moved" say, during a prayer or song... i feel like crying. It's an ironical reaction and makes me wonder if I've got my emotions all wrong! However, the truth is that I really haven't cried in a long while. So what does that mean? Perhaps... in my case, it's something like for a long while, I haven't had that "moving" experience? so you could say, i've been feeling...kinda numb. You could also say, I'm just being "normal", having no particular high or low feeling.

Well, I could also be the type that buries everything inside and have a big downpour once in a long long while. Coz you can't go crying every week right? Whatever the case, tears are refreshing. When you cry, you become vulnerable, but you are also "washed"... letting go of all the stress, burden, fear,... and just letting it out.

So, finally, today... I "tear-ed". Why? because I received an email tonight, from my host family in Melbourne during World Youth Day in July this year.

And so for the first time, it hit me... that it is God who brought me to Melbourne-Sydney, though at that time, I did not FEEL anything. Throughout the whole pilgrimage, I was pretty much a "sight-seeing" tourist.. haha.. So if there's anything I brought back, it was the love I received from this wonderful family of Kevin & Trish McGlade, my hosts during our stay at Melbourne (before we went over to Sydney).

Through Trish (the mother of 3), I saw the importance and strength of a praying mother. She is a strong catholic in her family, and I believe, is the one who constantly pushes and guides her sons to try to serve or do more stuff at church. They are still finding it tough though! And Kevin McGlade, is a gentle father who is humurous as well as knowledgeable. He always speaks in a calm manner, and has lovely kind and smiling eyes.

Some of Trish's words in her email to me:

"Hello Sam, I've just been going through olps website. It was really wonderful to see you there among the orchestra. It's great that, as a group, you are offering your love of music back to God as a thank you for His gift."

"I have been thinking of you quite often and wondering how your new job is going...."

Of course, Trish wrote much more. But just this email and the effort of keeping in touch even after WYD, made me realise, that I was there simply to experience this little love - coz it's only when we received something, that we learnt how to reciprocate and give back.

Thinking back, I remember the last night after the farewell dinner in the McGlade's house, we presented our hosts - the McGlades - with souvenirs from Singapore... and before we knew it, Trish was tear-ing because she was so touched! Then all of us (4 girls!) cannot tahan already and all began to cry too... of course, Kevin was trying to maintain his composure!

Anyways, through that 5 days staying in the McGlade's house, it was a wonderful time of Grace and Love. I now remember it fondly and am glad I can claim to now have a friend and lovely motherly mentor & family, all the way in Melbourne.

God's purposes reach far beyond what we can even fathom. He has a purpose for each and everyone of us.

Let's thank God for the people whom we have met, and the people whom we will meet and touch tomorrow.

May God Bless You!


Thursday, November 6, 2008

Birthday Greeting to our 2 Lovely Ladies...

Dearest Elaine & Natalie!

THis is an early greeting for both of you! Wishing u both a Happy Birthday! Btw... Nat's is on 8th, and Elaine's is on 11th! ;)

Both of you have been great sisters in christ to us at YAM... and we thank you for your inspiration, involvement and support to us in YAM so far!

So... How many years have we known you? It's been so long!

May God continue to bless and guide you and lead you into new paths and new truths! May He continue to teach and empower you. Continue to seek Him and do His work... you are a great servant of the Lord.

Thank you and we love you! BE Loved!

And not to forget, we also wish SHAUN a belated Birthday! His B-day was on 4th November! Shaun is an amazing keyboardist who joined us for a while some time ago. Very glad that he is still keeping in touch with us!

Shaun, I pray that God will continue to guide you as well, towards fulfilling the potential you have inside, and that you may continue to seek Him, and worship the Lord with everything you've got! Stay cool dude and continue to love god, the church, and us at YAM ahahah!

God Bless,

Sunday, October 26, 2008

Rosary Making!

At yesterday's session, we looked to our Blessed Mother as the greatest model of how we all should approach our relationship with God.

... Mary said, “Behold, I am the handmaid of the Lord. May it be done to me according to your word.” Then the angel departed from her. - Luke 1:38

Sury asked the question -- are we too able to say that? despite knowing what will come from this "YES" to God? this act of obedience and love for God?

Mary allowed herself to be God's greatest instrument - to bring our lord Jesus to this world. So we pray for her intercession. And everytime we pray to Jesus, Mary is always praying with us too... coz she loves it when people love her Son!

Fun with the Rosary! View photos at
View at Webshots or View at Facebook

Friday, October 24, 2008

God's Transcendence

What is God like?
Fred Smith, Sr.
Article taken from BuildingChurchLeaders.com

My thoughts are completely different from yours," says the Lord. "And my
ways are far beyond anything you could imagine. For just as the heavens are
higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts
higher than your thoughts." Isaiah 55:8-9

Many of us are tempted to respond, "Like us." We so can overemphasize the God who is so involved with out lives that he begins to look like us, and in so ding, we diminish his complete holiness and transcendence. A friend said to me, "All our sins can be classified under three categories: deifying of man, humanizing of God, and minimizing of sin." This insight has been very helpful for me in evaluating my concepts of God.

We humanize God when we think he is motivated in the same ways humans are. For example, we subconsciously feel more secure if we believe God needs us rather than believe that he only loves us. This thinking implies that God uses us to satisfy his selfish need. Since we strive to satisfy our needs and value those people and things that fulfill our needs, we reason that God appreciates and rewards our satisfying his needs.

But God has no needs because God is sovereign. God loves us; he doesn't need us. Our security is based totally on his love and not on our satisfying his need of us.

Christian leaders can harbor the arrogant notion that God needs them around. Some will say, "I will live as long as God needs me." Yet many great saints died young or during their prime years of ministry. Service is no more a guarantee of long life than good works are an assurance of prosperity.

Another danger is that when we try to obligate God by service, we can become very possessive of our efforts and resent sharing the recognition with others. We are anxious to receive the credit for our service, as if God valued the work rather than the motive. We become selfish in our service, not wanting to share the work for fear God will not recognize our sacrificial works of piety.

A great spiritual release came to me after five years of strict Calvinist teaching on God's sovereignty. I came to the spiritual conviction that God does not need me. He loves me. He gives me the opportunity to perform for my maturity in Christ. It is for my good, not his good.

—Fred Smith Sr.


Do I spend some time regularly—in worship, in private devotions—simply extolling the majesty and awesome otherness of the Almighty? How might this be a corrective to the subtle trap of "domesticating" God?


Read Psalm 145: http://www.usccb.org/nab/bible/psalms/psalm145.htm

"Aslan is not a tame lion."
—C. S. Lewis, The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe

Article taken from BuildingChurchLeaders.com

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Friends, Mass, and Prayer...

Today I had dinner with Vanessa. We were scheduled to play tennis. But it seems all my efforts at exercise this week includin last have been thwarted by the rain.

Anyway, it was really fun to chit chat and catch up. We talked about work, good things, bad things, ministry, people, life, habits, personality, etc etc. One night is really wonderful to catch up.

So anyway, the whole point of this post is that I wanted to say - God gives us friends. We treasure our friends by being a friend to them. We don't need anything in return. We are simply, a listening ear (to all their troubles)... a helping hand (to their needs).... a lovely friend (who loves them).

In addition, a friend desires for your good, your growth, your development. True friends will help each other to grow, find the right path, and godly friends will help you to find God.

I thank God for all the friends I have in YAM. They helped me last Sunday a lot! They persuaded me with ALL THEIR MIGHT... even whipping out the Catechism of the Catholic Church to find me the passage about how missing Mass on Sunday is a sin.

Well, don't see that I am already in ministry for long. That doesn't count for even one bit. We can serve but we need to grow personally in our spiritual maturity and understanding between us and God, and between God and the traditions of the Catholic Church. For me, it is no different. It takes time.

And so my issue now is about going for Mass. I have never been brought up to feel that missing Mass is a sin. Even deliberate missing of Mass (e.g. to attend a wedding, a gathering, some hobby). Moreover, my parents do miss Mass too. So I have a very rebellious thought towards God, saying, If they can do it, I can do it too! (of course this is in the negative sense!)

But a sin is a sin. And sometimes, God has to bring us to realise and accept it. So... 2 things happened this week.

Sunday, I was supposed to go blading in the evening (thus miss mass, since I didn't make it for morning Mass). BUT --- it rained! So blading was cancelled. In the end, after persuasion from Marlene, Gav, Sury, Eugene, and Jane..... I went for Mass, and got my mum to go along too! (She was originally going to miss coz Dad was out at golf and I had other plans).

Today, I was feeling a bit desperate this morning because I was worried about what a colleague thought of me. So I prayed. Sometimes you don't pray consciously at the workplace.... or we just tend to pray anyway out of habit. But today, I prayed, intentionally, and asked God,.. oh God, make this a good day and bless my workplace. I then said the simple "Our Father". And today, though long (worked till 7pm) was a good day. Amen!

So I was convicted - to go for Mass, and to Pray.

And friends, godly friends, have played a key role in these realisations.

I thank God for everyone around me.

God Bless,

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Common Question on Mary

How can we pray to Mary when St.Paul tells us that Jesus Christ is the “one mediator between God and men”?


Jesus Christ is indeed our principal Mediator. However, there may be secondary mediators. Mary is one of these mediators.

The practice of asking the prayers of others (secondary mediators) is common sense. We have all asked friends to speak on our behalf at some time or other. It may be to obtain an increase in our salary or to find a place in a kindergarten for one of the children or to get a good price on something we are buying…….In praying to Mary, we are asking her to speak to her Son on our behalf. So He is still the Principal Mediator with God.

Further, Mary has the God-given role of mother – Mother of Christ and Mother of all who are united to him. Just as Jesus sought her comfort and care during his life on earth, so we who follow him should also turn to her in our needs, confident of her motherly concern for us.

Sunday, October 12, 2008

Come & Go

Today I just thought of this two words: Come and Go.

We can look at it in a few ways. Firstly... Is Jesus someone in our lives who just "Comes" and "Goes"? We experience Him during a camp, or during the Mass, but does that experience stick on or do we forget it after a while? In other words, we may sometimes actually treat our best friend and saviour, Jesus, as someone who "comes to us"... and "goes off".... an acquaintance. We don't want Him to stay around too long. Just for a short while. We can do without him most of the time...

Another way of looking at it is, JESUS being the source - of everything (life, joy, peace, rest, abundance)... and WE are the ones who "Come to Jesus" and "Go Forth" to spread the Good News. In other word, JESUS is the pivot and unmoving. Everlasting, forever, the same. But we are the ones who move to him when he says "come" and we go away, filled, empowered, encouraged by knowing Him.

So "Come and Go" has so many ways of looking at it. What does it look like for your life?

A Prayer

"The Sovereign Lord has given me an instructed tongue, to know the word that sustains the weary.... The Sovereign Lord has opened my ears, and I have not been rebellious; I have not drawn back" (Isa. 50:4-5). Dear Lord, I want to be able to say the same thing Isaiah said, and mean it. I want to spend time receiving your instructions and wisdom through your Word, speaking with you in prayer, and hearing you through an open mind, willing heart, and listening ears. Please bring to remembrance your Word so that I may share it with the weary and offer them hope. Please hide your Word in my heart that I will remember it and not be rebellious, that it will be a constant guide in my daily walk. Thank you, Lord, for all your blessings past, present, and future. In Your name I pray, amen.

Sunday, October 5, 2008

Leadership & the Valley of Baca

This is interesting - from Os Hillman once again - my favourite daily devotional.

I believe all our leaders (whether in YAM or outside & beyond).... have had their fair share of trials. The times of uncertainty, self-doubt, and times when you face rejection or disagreement, especially from members. It is so hard then, how? You try to please everyone and you also try to hold firm... it's always a learning phase.

I think ALL of us have the potential to be a leader. But you must first be willing to pass through the Valley of Baca. Sounds like some adventure game right?? Read on!

The Valley of Baca
TGIF Today God Is First Volume 2, by Os Hillman

"Blessed are those whose strength is in you, who have set their hearts on pilgrimage. As they pass through the Valley of Baca, they make it a place of springs; the autumn rains also cover it with pools. They go from strength to strength, till each appears before God in Zion" (Ps 84:5-7).

There is a spiritual law in the Kingdom of God. Every great leader in the Kingdom will pass through the Valley of Baca. Baca means to weep. It comes from the Hebrew word,bakah (baw-kaw'); a primitive root; to weep; generally to bemoan.

However, Baca is also a place of springs. There is nothing better on a hot day when you're thirsty and weary than to drink water from a mountain spring. It refreshes. It renews. It gives you a second wind to continue your journey. Those who commit themselves to a pilgrimage with God will experience the Valley of Baca. But in the midst of Baca they will discover that in this valley they will also drink from a very special spring that refreshes with a different kind of living water.

It becomes the source of "secret things in hidden places" described by the prophet Isaiah (Isa 45:3) reserved only for those willing to journey on the Great Pilgrimage with God. Once you drink from this spring you will be energized in your spiritual man from strength to strength. Each Valley of Baca will result in a new spiritual spring from which you will drink. It is handmade just for you by God. But know this?it will be used to provide a refreshing drink for others you will encounter who are also on their pilgrimage.

Ultimately, Baca leads to the presence of God. There is something about being in a place with God that results in our weeping and crying out to Him. Do you find yourself in this place with God today? If so, know that His springs are also available to you. Ask him today to give you a drink from His spring only available in the Valley of Baca.

Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Vatican Says "Yahweh" Not to Be Pronounced

On August 8, 2008, Bishop Arthur J. Serratelli of Paterson, N.J., chairman of the U.S. bishops' Committee on Divine Worship, announced a new Vatican directive regarding the use of the name of God in the sacred liturgy.

Specifically, the word 'Yahweh" may no longer be "used or pronounced" in songs and prayers during liturgical celebrations. This directive affects a few songs such as "Yahweh I know you are near". So the song will need to be modified.

The June 29 Vatican message, from the Congregation for Divine Worship and the Sacraments, clarified that the name of God revealed in YHWH was not pronounced by the first Christians, following the tradition already in use.


Article from Zenit.org

Article from CatholicCulture.org

Sunday, September 28, 2008

You Have an Anointing

You Have an Anointing
TGIF Today God Is First Volume 2, by Os Hillman


"As for you, the anointing you received from him remains in you, and you do not need anyone to teach you. But as his anointing teaches you about all things and as that anointing is real, not counterfeit - just as it has taught you, remain in him" (1 John 2:27).

Do you know your anointing? An anointing is a gift that functions easily when it is operating in you to benefit others and the Kingdom of God. If one has to "work it up" one has probably gone outside one's anointing.

One area that I have a God-given anointing is in networking. I have never sought to develop such an anointing. But I know a LOT of people. Despite being an introvert by nature, God has connected me with people all around the world. Many times people call me about something and my natural response is, "Oh, you need to contact so and so. He can help you with that." A mentor once said to me, "Your inheritance is in relationships." What he was saying is that my anointing is in relationships and networking.

My wife has an anointing in the area of disarming people. She can be someone's best friend in five minutes. She disarms people faster than anyone I know. There is no way you can be a shy person around my wife. I have seen people open up to Angie where they would not open up to anyone else. It is her anointing.

Where do you move naturally in your life? What do you do that you don't have to work at it? Chances are that is your anointing. God wants you to walk in the anointing he has given to you.

Thursday, September 25, 2008


Hi all, we have a new look for the website. Check it out now!


Monday, September 22, 2008

The Prayer Garden

Have you seen this flash? It's fun. Click and get to the 7 stones and you'll find that it relates to our session last week on Daring to Dream And Love. You'll see why.


Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Malacca Reflections

Malacca Reflections -- 13 - 14 September 2008

This was one cool weekend at Malacca. All too short, the weekend started early on Saturday. Roy, David, Shane, Vanessa and myself were the 5 members of the OLPS Youth attending this annual pilgrimage that I once attended long ago when I was still in Primary school.

It was a sleepy morning for some of us, having slept for only 1-2 hours the night before. We are busy people. Yes. So this was our much needed break.

Anyway, first new discovery which may not be so new to some -- I found out that Roy’s dad was the one organising the trip, as he is in the tour business. So now I know.

What proceeded was a long bus-ride but a good time to sleep. We alighted for our first stop – Lunch. That was not too great, since I had a stomachache. We then proceeded to Malim Hill to see the Church of Santa Cruz. Since it would be crowded the next day, we came earlier on a Saturday to view the relic of the Holy Cross, for it is because of this relic that there were visions and prayers dedicated on this hill.

Finally, it was shopping – Singaporeans’ favourite activity – at the Mahkota Parade. However, walking around Mahkota Parade was simple, and we weren’t too excited. Roy disappeared with his Mum (more likely, we went off on our own!). In the end, not surprisingly, we got bored after finishing just one round.

So as we were sitting down for a rest and wondering what to do with the rest of the time we had spare, the big idea struck. Vanessa suggested going out to see the buildings around and before we knew it, we had discovered ourselves walking up some steep red steps to the St. Paul’s hill, where the old St. Paul’s Church stood.

And boy, it was a beautiful sight. We were ecstatic, as if we chanced upon some wonderful treasure.

We also discovered one thing in common – our love for photography. Clicking away, it was photos galore. Vanessa was trying to capture the sunset using lens flare, while Sam and Shane clicked away furiously too, trying to get that best angle and that most arty shot.

David of course, whipped out his sketch book and began sketching away, lamenting that he did not bring his graphic pencils and sketch book.

But not only David, “if only we came here earlier!” we thought.

So after the wonderful “hilltop” experience, it was time for dinner and we were treated to a really great Peranakan meal, as Shane says, one of the best dinner he’s had in weeks!

Dinner was then followed by relaxing and chill out at our 5-star Renaissance Hotel. But at the end, we did not want to let the night end just like that. So we took off to walk around the streets, maybe we could visit the Euro Fun Park that we saw along the way. So we walked and caught some more wonderful sights of a mini ferris wheel and blue lights all around. Yes! Another photo galore.

But this wasn’t the actual fun park that we thought we were heading to. It was actually further than walking distance… so not giving up, we managed to get there with cabs. Well the Euro Fun Park was really interesting. Cool rides. We did bumper cars, and then the Ferris wheel that never ended. We figured that it was coz each of us paid 6 ringgit for the ride, and times 5 people, you kinda get a lot out of it. Maybe they wanted to make us really happy by giving us so many rounds. But after more than 6 rounds, we were wondering when are we going to get off! Haha.. it was really funny...

Next, Roy and I wanted some more adrenaline rush and decided on the next ride. But the rest bailed out. It was really good. You feel like flying… and I got really dizzy after that but it was good! It’s the same like getting “high” you get it?

Finally, at around 1am, everything was closing… so we headed back to the hotel for more emo talk and mooncake & a bit of beer (hey we're all old now...haha). It was fun. Sharing, talking about your life kinda thing. And all this happened on just 1 Saturday.

Before I end the story, I must not forget to talk about the ACTUAL day itself right? The mass at the Santa Cruz Church, which was on Sunday. Yup, it was a good sunny day, rather humid as we stood in the outdoors for the mass. We saw Fr. Francis Leong as a co-celebrant and I can’t remember the others there.

But I really liked the message from the Homily. It went something like how Christ chose to die on the cross, so that we can live. It was not a new message but somehow, the truth of the message hit me this time.

This is the Prayer before the Cross:

O Glorious Cross!
We come, as pilgrims, to this holy place
knowing how fragile we can be
in front of the many crosses of our life

Enable us to accept the Cross of LIFE
so that we can move beyond our differences
to discover the joy of bonding and belonging in our family
May the CROSS bind us closer to the One crucified
so that venerating IT & drawing inspiration
from the ONE who hangs on IT,
we may be set free to love and behold
to seek to understand and accept
His Word, His sufferings and His Resurrection

Thus, we shall rise to greater closeness to our loved ones
and to proclaim the power of this victorious Cross that we touch
May you, dear crucified Jesus remain with us
in our daily walk towards the Cross

I realised that it’s not whether I want to choose Christ or not… it’s basically that I have that freedom of choice BECAUSE of His death. Without Christ, without the cross, I will not have that choice, to even be able to choose. But that death on the cross was like a grace for me, for mankind – to be able to choose God, choose life in heaven.

So.. I went away feeling like a bomb hit me. It was nice. Ironically. The kind of feeling you must get in order to choose to turn away from sin and the Old Self and choose God’s ways above all.

The rest of the day was travelling back and mostly sleeping. But I was filled with joy and peace and a simple faith that God is in control.

I thank God for the opportunity to visit Malacca once again… and I think I haven’t got enough of it yet!

Next year again yes?!

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Is God really doin something for me?

Yet another quote from Os Hillman:

"If you find yourself in a lowly state, realize your lowly state is considered a high position by God that is preparation soil for revealing deep things from the dark places that God desires you to learn."

This is comforting. Sometimes I wonder whether i'm on the right track, making the right decisions or not, or whether I'm taking life too easy, being too unambitious... being too unfocused. When people are getting promotions, I am here once again, ground zero. (or so it seems).

But the quote comforts me. I can rest in God's hands. God is not simply a notion for the weak people on this earth. God is a fact. He exists, and He is there for us.

In my strength I praise Him, in my weaknesses, I can also lean on Him. HE is there for us at ALL seasons of our lives.

Despite everything that tells me not to believe in him, that is simply lies of the devil. I cannot shirk off the fact, deep down in my heart, that God is real and He will bless my path, if I let Go and Let Him!

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

When does life actually begin? Now!

This is Day 4 of Father Kentenich's 9 Days of Prayer for Young People booklet. I am on this track of reading all my devotionals/pamphlets which I got from SYDNEY.... this is just 1 of them. Typing this out now coz it just relates to me so well now. NOW.


Sometimes life simply carries me away. I squander the time, today this, tomorrow that.
Miscalculating, totally chaotic, just plain stressed.

When does life actually begin – my life?

Father Kentenich didn’t play games. Right away in his first talk on October 27, 1912, he challenged the students by suggesting to them a clear goal for their common task: “Under the protection of Mary, we want to learn to educate ourselves to become firm, free, priestly personalities.”

It was important to him that the boys started at once to live as new persons – not sometime later, perhaps when the conditions were more favourable – but today! (The rules of the boarding school were very strict and allowed only minimal free reign). Begin today to be a Christian who loves God-given freedom and also uses it in order to realize great goals. Take life in hand responsibly here and now. And how is that done? Very simply: “You learn to walk by walking, to love by loving…” I will become a free person when I practice making independent, free decisions – every day, every hour. With this program Father Kentenich touched the core of a young person.

He could not change the exterior conditions in the boarding school, but he helped change the inner attitude: I do not allow myself to be lived, but I live – now!

Even the smallest everyday decision that I consciously make strengthens my personality and allows me to blossom. A wrong decision is better than no decision at all, because every decision releases energies and connects me with the best in me.

“And after we make a decision, we follow through with that to which we said yes.” J. Kentenich

I become the person I really am.

The closeness of Mary, Mother of God, the woman who freely decided for God, ensures greater determination and consistency.

Father in heaven, help me live my life, to become a person who rejoices in making decisions. Don’t let me wait for the favourable moment, the great change in my life, but use the moment that is offered to me to shape my life. Grant me the experience that Father Kentenich and his students had in the covenant with Mary: A new and great life is beginning as I try to give you joy here and now. Amen.

A concrete point for the day:
Specifically in daily life:
- Training for daily decision making: Conquer myself in one concrete point and choose the better!
- I do not say yes if I actually want to say no. And I don’t allow myself to feel guilty.
- Before making a decision: reflect – pray – wait a little – then decide for that to which my heart draws me

Monday, August 25, 2008

For the Love of Jesus...

I love Thee because Thou has first loved me,
And purchased my pardon on Calvary's tree.
I love Thee for wearing the thorns on Thy brow;
If ever I loved Thee, my Jesus, 'tis now.


They say, Love is a Game. or some people also say, Love Hurts..

We say, we love Jesus. But sometimes we also play a Love-Game with Jesus. We know He loves us, yet we don't always love Him back all the time. We stop short, because we also love the world and we love to play the game... we make it so hard for Jesus to love us. We walk away. We sin. We turn away.

And when things don't go well, we hurt, and we close up. Now the Love of Jesus then bounces off our hardened exteriors - and at the same time, we hurt inside, lamenting that we don't see God around, that we are hurt, that we are in pain.

We are funny creatures.

And I say this because I play the love-game too. I love Jesus... sometimes... I love myself... more. It's sometimes so hard to grasp what is that AGAPE LOVE (Godly Love) that we as christians are called to live. That life of love, giving, service, other-mindedness, care, concern for others... and ultimate sacrifice of our lives for our lover... JESUS...

How do we understand this?

It's not easy. Only when we have experienced that First Love, that "connection" with Jesus.

How? We need to search for it. Can You See God in everything you do? Can you find God's Love as the fuel that motivates your every action?

Let us journey together to find this everlasting love... this wonderful love that we can only find in Jesus alone.

Read a cool article here: http://www.boundless.org/2005/articles/a0001607.cfm

Monday, August 18, 2008

God has boundaries too!

Was reading this chapter from "Boundaries" by Dr Henry Cloud & Dr John Townsend and it kinda struck me in a way. God TOO has his own boundaries... sometimes, we abuse it! It's interesting. I never saw it in this light before!

Read this little excerpt:

God wants us to respect his boundaries; he doesn’t want us to withdraw our love when he says no. But he has nothing at all against our trying to persuade him to change his mind. In fact, he asks for us to be tenacious. Often he says, “Wait,” seeing how much we really want something. Other times, it seems he changes his mind as a result of our relationship with him. Either way, we respect his wishes and stay in relationship.

Respecting His Own

In addition to our respecting God’s boundaries and his respecting ours, he is a good model for how we should respect our own property.

God is the ultimate responsibility taker. If someone else causes him pain, he takes responsibility for it. If we continue to abuse him, he is not masochistic; he will take care of himself. And for our own sakes, we do not want to suffer the consequences of his boundaries.

The parable of the wedding banquet shows us God taking responsibility (Matt. 22:1-14). A king who was planning a banquet invited many people to come. When they said no, he pleaded with them. They continued to say no and went about their own business. Finally, the king had had enough. Taking responsibility for the situation, he said to his servants, “The wedding banquet is ready, but those I invited did not deserve to come. Go to the street corners and invite to the banquet anyone you find” (vv. 8-9).

Whenever God decides that “enough is enough,” and he has suffered long enough, he respects his own property, his heart, enough to do something to make it better. He takes responsibility for the pain and makes moves to make his life different. He lets go of the rejecting people and reaches out to some new friends.

God is a good model. When we are hurting, we need to take responsibility for the hurt and make some appropriate moves to make things better. This may mean letting go of someone and finding new friends. It may mean forgiving someone and letting them off the hook so we can feel better.

Sunday, July 6, 2008


Just a recap of our May Sessions not too long ago!

View at webshots: Re:NEW sessions - on the 3, 17 & 24 MAY 2008

Choose Life!

As we prepare for the upcoming Con3 Service Attachment in July (begins 26th, over 10 weeks)... I just wanted to share about it's theme - "Choose Life".

This was one of my favourite songs many years ago... Choose life by Big tent revival... I embed the music video here..

Most of you would know Krish right?

Yup, back in 2006, Krish and I were organising YAM's sesssions. And during one period of time, we met up to discuss about YAM, and we actually came across this theme of "Choose Life" from Deuteronomy 30:19-20.

We really liked it. During that time, I also set up the YAM website that you see now... (in need of a revamp!) -- and therefore you see the verse in the banners at the top...

Unfortunately, we didn't manage to do even as much as a series of sessions on it. Perhaps 1 session on the topic of "choices"....

But so you see now,.. I believe, God has set His word in our hearts. And somehow, God's word never returns to him unfulfilled.

The fact that we are able to have "Choose Life" as the theme for our Con3 Service Attachment... is quite significant - to me at least, because it signifies a dream coming into fruitation... something that was dreamed up 2 years ago, having the potential to be fulfilled now.

The time has come?

Talking about this just makes me more and more excited! I hope you are too!

God Bless,

Sunday, June 29, 2008

OLPS Youth Retreat Photos

Finally the photos are out! Here's how some of us enjoyed the many games and stuff at the recent OLPS Youth June retreat, themed "From Friends to Family". We covered the themes of being One Body, Working together, and being Many Parts but One.

Have fun!

Monday, June 23, 2008

Blindfolded at the recent OLPS Youth Retreat

At the recent OLPS Youth retreat (I promise pictures out soon)... I was blindfolded during one of the games - where we had to cross a "river" and some of us were lame, no hands, or blind. And yes, so I was blind. And gosh that was the worst of all.. Without sight, you'll actually find it hard to use BOTH your hands and legs... and effectively your whole physical movement is hampered coz you can't see anything! So it's as good as being all blind, lame and hand-less.

From top to bottom: Audrey, Marlene & Sam trying to get "across the river"....

And me being such a visual-reliant person - who relies on the visual rather than touch - i was really struggling.

So then when I read this story below - it showed me that I can actually relax - even though i can't see ahead (in terms of things like my future, my life ahead of me).... -- as GOD is there first. And -- before all my steps ahead -- God also is first.. He walks ahead of me! ;)

Have a good read:
Do you know the legend of the Cherokee Indian Youth's rite of passage?

His father takes him into the forest, blindfolds him and leaves him alone. He is required to sit on a stump the whole night and not remove the blindfold until the rays of the morning sun shine through it. He cannot cry out for help to anyone. Once he survives the night, he is a MAN. He cannot tell the other boys of this experience because! each lad must come into manhood on his own.

The boy is naturally terrified. He can hear all kinds of noises. Wild beasts must surely be all around him. Maybe even some human might do him harm. The wind blew the grass and earth, and shook his stump, but he sat stoically, never removing the blindfold. It would be the only way he could become a man!

Finally, after a horrific night, the sun appeared and he removed his blindfold. It was then that he discovered his father sitting on the stump next to him. He had been at watch the entire night, protecting his son from harm.

We, too, are never alone. Even when we don't know it, our Heavenly Father is watching over us, sitting on the stump beside us. When trouble comes, all we have to do is reach out to Him.

If you liked this story, pass it on. If not, perhaps you took off your blindfold before dawn.

Moral of the Story:
Just because you can't see God, doesn't mean He is not there.

"For we walk by faith, not by sight."

~ 2 Corinthians 5:7 ~

And so TGIF -- is not just Thank God It's Friday -- then God is only there on Friday? but "Today God Is First" and so that can be any day and every day!

Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Practicing the Presence of God

"Enoch walked with God" (Genesis 5:24).

The true test of a person's spiritual life and character is not what he does in the extraordinary moments of life, but what he does during the daily grind of everyday life when there is nothing tremendous or exciting happening. In the 1600's, there was a monk named Brother Lawrence who was a dishwasher in his monastery.

He made a profound discovery that is true for every believer in the workplace today. "For me the time of activity does not differ from the time of prayer, and in the noise and clatter of my kitchen, while several persons are calling together calling for as many different things, I possess God in as great tranquility as when upon my knees at the blessed Sacrament."

You see, he found no urgency for retreats, because in the common task he met the same God to love and worship as he did in the stillness of the desert. It is this kind of life that Jesus desires for each of his children. Enoch was also a man that practiced the presence of God. The Bible does not give a detailed account of is life. All we know about him is that "He walked with God." In fact, it says in Genesis 5:22 that Enoch walked with God 300 years! Wow! That is faithfulness!

What does it mean to practice the presence of God daily? It means we are constantly talking to our Heavenly Father about the issues in our day. It means praying about things as they come up. It means stopping at a red light and praying for the person God brings to mind. It means singing a song in your car while you are sitting in traffic. That is practicing the presence of God.

Today, when God gives you times alone or there are needs that arise, stop and consult your Heavenly Father about the situation. Then you will be practicing the presence of God.

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

He never leaves us...

And I will ask the Father, and he will give you another Counselor, who will never leave you. John 14:16

Take comfort in the constant presence of the Holy Spirit.

Monday, May 19, 2008

Last week's session: God Makes A Difference

This week, we heard testimonies from Jacqueline, Elaine, Priscilla & Gavin (above L-R) on how they had been renewed after their encounter with the Holy Spirit. It was enlightening, funny, and the session ended off with sharing and ministering prayer. It was great and we also prayed for Pris Wong's mum who joined us at this particular session! Welcome also to Chantale & Lynette joining us for the first time!

Sunday, May 18, 2008

A prayer that anyone can pray...

God, sometimes I wonder why in the world I go through the things I do. What lesson is it that I am supposed to learn? I rejoice in the times You have allowed me to have "faith experiences"--times that have tested and strengthened my faith in You. I know that faith experiences are usually not easy, but they end up being a blessing in disguise. Please, hold me up and keep me from stumbling. Continue to bless me that I may be a blessing to others and to You. Work through me so that my faith experiences will be a testimony to help others who need a special touch. I love You, Lord.

In Jesus' name, amen.

Saturday, May 10, 2008

Cab Success!

Been so long since i sent a testimony...

I was late for work and so wanted to grab a cab. There's a sudden lack of cabs around my area today and in front of me, a woman carrying a baby is a small distance up-road. The shade she stood in was not as good as mine, so i prayed that she'd get a cab soon.

Usually when i pray for cab, i always ask God to send a few empty cabs (must be specific ma)... for myself and others.

Waited for a good 20 min praying persistently. The woman gave up and went off to a block to rest or find better spot to find cab. In the meantime, there are people who try to cut my 'queue' by appearing up-road. I just prayed for them too. (If many empty cabs come, there shouldn't be a need to get pissed at them).

But God did a very classic thing. A cab missed the first guy, went passed the second one since he failed to flag it down, and came straight to me. I was so amazed. I asked the driver why he didn't stop for the other 2. He said while turning at the curve, he didn't see the first one. And the second one was on the phone and so he assumed he was booking a cab since he didn't raise his hand. So I was the one who raised my hand. Praise God! Cos Queue-wise, I am suppose to get the next cab. God is SO SO Good!!!!

God Bless

Friday, May 9, 2008

Daily Devotionals. Do you?

Think about it. We have 24 hours in a day. If every minute, we are bombarded with all kinds of messages from others, or even ourselves... and negative ones... how do we face the world? How do we overcome lies, deception, negativity, unbelief, cynicism, loss of hope, selfishness, etc... with abundance, love, joy, peace, purpose, worth, other-mindedness, giving, freedom... ?

Do you have a daily devotional? You may need one... (unless you have a daily regime of reading your bible!)

Subscribe to one easily... there's so many online. If you'd like, get this one which I subscribe to.
http://www.newlivingtranslation.com/06devotionals/ Note: it is New Living Translation version...


Don't worry about anything; instead, pray about everything. Tell God what you need, and thank him for all he has done. Philippians 4:6

When you have a concern or a problem, to whom do you turn first? God wants to be at the top of your list. Come to him with an attitude of thanksgiving, knowing that he will answer.

Thursday, May 8, 2008

Latest Testimonies since we started Intercessory on 17 April

After our 1st RE:NEW session with Gerard & Jessica Francisco on Sat, 3 May:

Latest from Vanessa Carvalho on 8 May 2008
I think God is really moving so powerfully this week. I am in awe as I speak. I thought that by praying for God to move at the workplace, just meant a more peaceful mind at this point of time. Well, He does exceedingly abundantly more than what we ask or think of (eph 3:20)… The good news is that someone got the ball rolling and we'll be having our first IT dept Christian gathering for prayer tomorrow at lunch time. This is really a breakthrough :-) I pray it gets better, from glory to glory. Do pray it goes well.

Winston: Thanks for praying with me last night. My cold is healing nicely and my sense of smell is gradually returning! Praise the Lord! And definitely praise you guys for your heartfelt prayers :D Wins

Kelvin: Thank you and your ministry people for the warm hospitality shown. The session was good and I think this is the third time I am hearing from Brother Gerard. Anyway, I am glad to meet so many nice people, I did really enjoy it and have a great time. Will wish to catch up with you and your ministry people… May God bless you in your work and your loved ones. Warmest regards, Kelvin

Since our last 2 intercessory prayer meetings, the desire to PRAY and ask GOD for HIS solutions for me have been stronger. WHY? Because prayer is like fuel for the going.. and in some ways...it can even be addictive! ;) I believe, once we build up a culture of prayer, we can move and be more effective in our lives... more 'victorious'.

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

25 Beautiful God Phrases

1. Give God what's right.....
not what's left.

2. Man's way leads to hopeless end ......
God's way leads to an endless hope .

3. A lot of kneeling will keep you in good standing.

4. He who kneels before God can stand before anyone.

5. In the sentence of life, the devil may be a comma, but never let him be the period.

6. Don't put a question mark where God puts a period.

7. Are you wrinkled with burden?
Come to the church for a face-lift.

8. When praying, don't give God instructions. ..... just report for duty.

9. Don't wait for six strong men to take you to church.

10. We don't change God's message..... .
His message changes us.

11. The church is prayer-conditioned.

12 When God ordains, He sustains.

13. WARNING: Exposure to the Son may prevent burning.

14. Plan ahead......It wasn't raining when Noah built the ark.

15. Most people want to serve God, but only in an advisory position.

16. Suffering from truth decay?
Brush up on your Bible.

17. Exercise daily ...... walk with the Lord.

18. Never give the devil a ride......
he will always want to drive.

19. Nothing else ruins the truth like stretching it.

20. Compassion is difficult to give away because it keeps coming back.

21. He who angers you controls you.

22. Worry is the darkroom in which negatives can develop.

23. Give Satan an inch & he'll be a ruler.

24. Be ye fishers of men.....
You catch them & He'll clean them.

25. God doesn't call the qualified,
He qualifies the called.

Friday, April 18, 2008

First Intercessory Meet

We started our first proper intercessory prayer session just last Thursday, 17 April. Wow, there was Jane, David, Jeanette, Peter, Jac, Van, Mar, Sury and myself who made it there.. fantastic indeed.

And so,.. we aired our problems of the day, just to clear the "air" and get started. After all, you can't pray while you are seething with anger or frustration over the events of the day right? Then, we went into prayer. Just praying out needs spontaneously.

It's been a long time since we prayed like that. And I felt surely, the presence of God in our midst. He gave me so many ideas and things to pray for. He gave some of the rest new insights. Like how Jane was talking about how she sees everyone as being near the edge - just a step more and we can break out of our comfort zone.. the only question is - are we willing to take that step?

That is where the difficulty lies isn't it? From holding back and protecting our lives (think survival instinct) -- to laying it down and giving it all -- for Jesus.

We tend to think that laying it down (aka.. sacrifice) would be risky, a loss, and ultimately, our selfish human instincts tell us to draw back and think twice... such a big decision... to give my life and my all for Jesus.

But God wants obedience, not sacrifice. THINK of ABRAHAM and his son.. was it Obedience? OR Sacrifice?

Because of Abraham's obedience, God blessed him with abundance, a lasting legacy till today.

It was an inspirational meet. Truly, where the presence of God is, there is LIFE. Life that splashes forth, like rushing waters, into every OTHER areas of our being - from our countenance, to our thoughts our actions, our speech, deeds, and our personal joy, satisfication, ability to love and give.

The Lord is truly Great. Let us be amazed at the Splendour of the Lord...

Just look up at the sky... don't look at your life and your own self so much... ;)

Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Upcoming May Events - Join us!

Theme: Re:NEW

“I am the resurrection and the life. Anyone who believes in Me will never die” – John 11:25-26

3 May: Session 1 – More Love, More Hope, More Power… Today!
Session about living in the power of the Holy Spirit. To bring the audience to the awareness and knowledge of the person of the Holy Spirit, and how to enter into a personal relationship with Him.

9-11 May: SACCRE Pentecost Rally 2008
To attend this rally together as a community, to witness how the Spirit is still very much alive and active in the life of the Catholic Church in Singapore today. *No session at OLPS today.

17 May: Session 2 – God Makes The Difference!
YAM members share our testimonies about how we have been renewed after our encounter with the Holy Spirit. Testimonies will focus on how our lives have been transformed as a result of that experience and the subsequent journey, personally and in community.

24 May: Session 3 – Have You Got The Spirit?
In this session we bring the audience into an encounter with the Holy Spirit. Through worship and prayer we invite the Spirit to renew the lives of all present and empower them for service in the Church.

See you there!
Saturdays 7:30pm, OLPS - St. John-Luke Room

Check our website for any updates: www.youthariseministry.com or contact us!

Sunday, March 23, 2008

Cycling @ East Coast 22 March 2008

Our Holy Saturday was spent out at East Coast, our favourite outing location. Man, it's been a long time since we came here.

This day, we went cycling... with our new friend Peter, who's from Taiwan. We went up all the way to SAFRA resorts, where we got ice-cream and sat down to chat for a little bit. We had a good time brushing up or chinese skills... to converse with Peter! haha!

Vanessa joined us halfway and we returned to Macs after 2hrs of cycling, just in time to catch Gavin, Jane & Jeanette... but it rained! So no more cycling after that - we simply sat and ATE MORE FOOD at Macs. Talk about exercise! Jac joined us that afternoon too, after her McRitchie Treetop walk with her colleagues.

It was a fun day out!

Thursday, March 6, 2008

Who is Sister Nancy Kellar?

Since we've been focusing on Sister Nancy Kellar's Growth Seminar Series for the last 4 weeks, (More love through prayer, purity, More Power through Charisms), did anyone wonder who really is she? Here is your background info!

ONE YEAR AGO.. this is what she said:
Famvin.org (7 March 2007) - Sister Nancy Kellar, a Sister of Charity who was a member of the first charismatic house of prayer in the United States, told the assembly participants they must be evangelists. “The gift of the Holy Spirit was given to us, not to tie a high on with God — as much as we love to do that — but for holiness and for mission and ministry.”

As to opportunities for evangelization, she said most will come about through listening to others tell their stories. “Evangelization starts first by listening, not by speaking,” she said.
But Sister Kellar cautioned that charismatics will likely be more effective in their evangelization if they avoid some of the terms that have become common in the charismatic movement.
“We need to use normal language,” she said, advising them to avoid starting out with terms such as “born again” or “slain in the Spirit.”


Sr. Nancy Kellar, SC Sister Nancy Kellar, S.C. was born in New York City, U.S.A. She has been a Sister of Charity of New York since 1960. She has a Masters Degree in History and was a secondary school History teacher before becoming involved in full time ministry in the Catholic Charismatic Renewal in 1971. She was a member, with Fr Jim Ferry, of the first Charismatic House of Prayer in the United States. In 1975 she was a founding member, with six other Sisters of Charity, of Saint Elizabeth Seton House of Prayer in Scarsdale, New York. She obtained a second Masters degree in Theology/Spirituality from Immaculate Conception Seminary in New Jersey in 1980. Sr. Nancy was coordinator of the Charismatic Renewal in the Archdiocese of New York for ten years and also was a member of the National Service Committee for the Catholic Charismatic Renewal in the U.S.A. for ten years. She continues to serve the Catholic Renewal in the USA as a member of the National Council for the CCR. She has also served for many years in the ecumenical renewal in the United States as Vice-Chairperson of the North American Ecumenical Charismatic Committee. She was elected to the I.C.C.R.S. (International Catholic Charismatic Renewal Services) Council in March 1992 and elected director of the Rome office in March 1994. In June 1996 the I.C.C.R.S. Council mandated her for the work of teaching and networking the International Catholic Charismatic Renewal. Today she continues her ministry of teaching sent out and supported in love and prayer by her charismatic community of Sisters of Charity in Scarsdale, NY where she again resides. Since beginning this work, she has spoken at Conferences and given retreats in more than 50 countries in Asia, Africa, Europe and South America as well as the U.S.A. Her frequent theme is, 'There's always more of God's Love and gifts.' Her Growth in the Spirit Seminar book “There's Always More: Expecting New Fire' is in it's third printing.

Supper @ Upper Thomson

Last Saturday, we had a small group... so we went to Upper Thomson for supper. And you know why? Coz somewhere during the session, I had a thought of walking out from Nat's place, at Jalan Leban area there... at Upper Thomson. I dismissed the thought unthinkingly. Then, after session ended, Sury started asking something about going to Thomson for an event or something.... and I just went..THOMSON???!..

So here u go. Invited Krish & Nat too... ;)

At Wendy's Spize:

Saturday, March 1, 2008

A story

A tax assessor came one day to a poor Christian to determine the amount of taxes he would have to pay. The following conversation took place:

"What property do you possess?" asked the assessor.

"I am a very wealthy man," replied the Christian.

"List your possessions, please," the assessor instructed.

The Christian said:

"First, I have everlasting life, John 3:16

Second, I have a mansion in heaven, John 14:2

Third, I have peace that passes all understanding, Philippians 4:7

Fourth, I have joy unspeakable, 1 Peter 1:8

Fifth, I have divine love which never fails, 1 Corinthians 13:8

Sixth, I have a faithful wife, Proverbs 31:10

Seventh, I have healthy, happy obedient children, Exodus 20:12

Eighth, I have true, loyal friends, Proverbs 18:24

Ninth, I have songs in the night, Psalms 42:8

Tenth, I have a crown of life, James 1:12"

The tax assessor closed his book, and said, "Truly you are a very rich man, but your property is not subject to taxation."

I pray that all of us will have this kind of tax free "wealth."

Have a richly blessed day!

Wednesday, February 27, 2008

The need for healing & desiring renewal

The need for healing - The feelings and experiences we felt when we were growing up.. in a way, they make us. Whatever feelings we’ve felt of hurt, rejection, insecurity... they do stick, even till our adult ages.

And that’s the unfortunate part – we can grow up and develop more skills, even successes in our lives. But we need to also be aware of any false facades that we have developed - or protective walls, where inside, the old us… remains – or gets buried.

An example, just the other day – an “old” feeling just popped up out of the blue. Reacting to the conversations and things happening around me, I realised I was feeling something that had stuck, from somewhere along the way, long ago. A very particular nostalgic unhappy feeling of not being "involved". That caused me a few minutes of fretting.

See how we are sometimes like dirt balls rolling along accumulating dirt along the way, while along the way, we forget about the stuff deeper inside?

But we also know that with Jesus’s death (as we focus on it this LENT) for us, brings us life – washes us clean – redeems us from sin and death.

How then can we move on into the “New Life” that Jesus so talks about? When he says we are a new creation in Christ in 1 Corinthians 5:17.

Read: http://www.gnmagazine.org/bsc/09/newcreation.htm

We need to desire. Seek. Ask. Search.

God gives those who are hungry. Are you hungry? Or Thirsty?

Like last week’s Mass (we had a wonderful youth mass last Saturday at OLPS)… Fr. Sigurd, a visiting priest from Norway, gave the homily – related to Living Water. He also shared how he became a priest – a wonderful sharing.

So let’s “fast” now.. by praying more... doing all the things you wanted to do for God (your Lenten sacrifices) – and at the end of this, we will be renewed.

I encourage all – that since you know God's eternal plan for us (for life, not death), it should inspire us to purify our hearts and motives. "Blessed are the pure in heart, for they shall see God," said Jesus (Matthew 5:8) [Remember our Session 3 on More Love through Purity?],
and James wrote, "But the wisdom that is from above is first pure, then peaceable, gentle, willing to yield, full of mercy and good fruits, without partiality and without hypocrisy" (James 3:17).

Be fruitful...!

Thursday, February 21, 2008

On being crucified with Christ....

Today's Verse: For the preaching of the cross is to them that perish foolishness; but unto us which are saved it is the power of God. 1 Corinthians 1:18 / KJV

Being “crucified”. What does it mean?

Living by faith. What does it mean?

I believe it is a constant search. Funny how I believed in it so fervently once… when I first got into the Charismatic renewal. And as if to add jest to the whole “journey in Christ”, I am finding myself, drawn back to the root of things – again – like going back one circle. Asking the first question ever – once again – what is Christianity all about?

For all the people I’ve seen in ministry, I believe those who really have effect for God’s kingdom, impacting the world, touching lives, are those who can say – I’ve been crucified with Christ, I no longer live but Christ lives in me…

Sometimes, we do many wonderful things that people can also praise us for. But that alone doesn’t show us the Power of Christ within us. The truth, the crunch – is whether are we able to say, “I’ve been crucified with Christ?” – aka to share in the suffering of Christ. Yes, very Catholic indeed!

This is the Lenten season – I almost forgot! – and I remember something that I wanted to give up for Lent. My late nights. I believe God is beginning a new journey in me – softening my hardened and bitter heart once again to be truly delightful in all of His ways – to no longer question His purposes, about why we suffer – but to bear all things – to have long-suffering – the fruit of the Holy Spirit.

There are 9 fruits of the Holy Spirit. We’ve heard about it here and there… but it is only now that I am beginning to realize about “some” of the fruit in greater detail – e.g. Long-suffering aka PATIENCE. I always believed I am patient as a person. But when it comes to spiritual patience – perseverance – I am lacking in the willpower. Lack the drive to Hope in the Lord. Lack the desire to Trust fully in God. Read about Patience: http://searchwarp.com/swa291552.htm

Suddenly, I am filled with a feeling of real need. For God. Because deep down inside, I know that the REALITY of life is that NOTHING in the world can satisfy you.

It’s hard to accept – you may accept it at face value at first, but when the “trials” begin you’ll wonder – about the whole notion of it all – and start doubting about the whole “Christianity” thing – are we silly fools dedicated to old beliefs that first is last, and last is first? “Double-Speak” as Orwell calls it: http://www.orwelltoday.com/dblspkthennow.shtml

How do we Christians stand up in the world? It is only by living through our trials, our distresses, with an objective mind – weighing all evidences that point to God, and also against God (we do realize there are spiritual forces of evil who would gladly guide people away from God). Not forgetting, we must also allow us to hear God, let Him speak to us through prayer, people, etc…, and to have a humility of heart that would allow God to show us His Truth – only then would we find – the answers we are searching for in our lives.

When we have lived through those times, we then emerge from the valley onto Higher Ground – and we see – the beauty of it all. We see God… and look down upon the path we have walked and thank God that He has always been there with us. Peace transcends all understanding.

Peace be with you.

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Midweek Rants - "Inochi No Namae"

I was reflecting again today – as usual, Sam’s mid-week rants… and decided to post my reflections on our blog instead of blasting everyone with emails.

Well, this entry’s title says “Inochi no namae” – in Japanese which translates “The Name of Life”. It’s an award winning theme song for the movie Spirited Away. Hear it!

Anyway, on the "Name" of Life – I was just thinking – in the Christian context – would be Jesus. Jesus said, I am the way, the life and the truth. No one comes to the Father except through me. (John 14:6). And I thought.. what is the Name of Life? Probably, simply, “Jesus”.

Do you remember? We actually say it in the Creed: We believe in the Holy Spirit, the Lord, the giver of Life, who proceeds from the Father [and the Son], who with the Father and the Son, is worshipped and glorified, who has spoken through the prophets. http://www.creeds.net/ancient/nicene.htm

Yes... I know this is so “Christian-centric” and it probably wouldn’t make sense to somebody who does not believe in Christianity or Jesus. But at least, we have to admit, that for the Christian, the whole matter of "Life" is very much a spiritual thing. Isn’t it?

Anyway, the main reason for this post – was to talk about last week’s session topic. We had a topic “More Love through Purification”. It only sank in for me today, upon reflecting on the idea of “What is Purification?”

Last Sat, Leo Caballes, our lovely bro from the Philippines, gave a session for us on “More Love through Purification” – Part 3 of Nancy Kellar’s Growth Seminar. He shared with us that Purification is related to “suffering” – our trials are there to help purify us.

Today, I had a simple analogy – you know, we do things like “detoxification” for our bodies. For "Life" people would say, for better health.... For example, we drink lots of water and exercise. Or have those funny green juices that contains "chlorophyll" that is supposed to help you detox.

Spiritually we can do the same thing – We detoxify for our bodies to be healthy – so we have the term “purification” that refers to the detoxification for our souls, so that our Spirits are "freed up" to worship God joyfully.

Psalm 23:1 pops into my mind – “The Lord is my Shepherd, I shall not want..” – If the Lord is our shepherd and we are like sheep, I thought – “What is a healthy sheep?” The answer would simply be, one which is happy, healthy physically, at peace to be with the Shepherd, secure, growing well and which is not sickly.

So, we also might thus ask – am I a healthy sheep?

And so it occurred to me today that we may not be all healthy. We can accumulate many “spiritual toxins” inside without even knowing. Though the bible says it all. "Get rid of all bitterness, rage and anger, brawling and slander, along with every form of malice" (Ephesians 4:31).

And so we are led to reflect on what are the “Spiritual Toxins” that we have accumulated in our souls?

is like a process, a journey, of life, growth and “detoxifying” that helps us to become like healthy sheep – gaining our spiritually nourishment through the Mass, through a community, having a affirming inner relationship with our Lord, Jesus, feeling glad to walk alongside with God and not trying to run away from Him or doubt Him… Accepting our identity as a child of God… Being a person of peace; Like an olive tree growing in the house and care of the Lord.

THAT is spiritual health.

So to be “spiritually” healthy, we would need to desire God-things, not the things of the world - such as to... :
No longer be subject to anger, lust, passions, pleasures, lying, bad habits, etc.,
Want to have a closer relationship with God,
Want peace - quietness, confidence, assurance with trust forever,
Want to be pleasing to God, whatever the cost,
want God to run your life, instead of you continue to make mistakes,
Want to be doing God's will, not your own

And so at this very moment, I’m just feeling really grateful, that the bible encourages us! For the faint-hearted in the race of LIFE, sometimes, we need a push. So here, we are encouraged to be Holy:

God Bless,

'Happy are those who are merciful to others; God will be merciful to them. Happy are the pure in heart; they will see God.' Matthew 5:7-8.

Sunday, January 27, 2008

"Inspiring" -- Charles Whitehead Workshop

26 Jan 2008, IHM Hall
At the Charles Whitehead workshop on Leadership in the Service of CCR!

Thursday, January 24, 2008

Greetings for 2008!

Dear one and all,

Wishing you all a happy 2008! It's almost end of January... the month just flew by! How's everyone? Let's keep up our journey together towards continuing to seek God deeper and experience greater spiritual growth!

I also thank God for blessing us with a new coordinator, Sury! Let's continue to pray for the ministry of YAM, the youths in OLPS around us, our friends in SACCRE Youth, and also for oursleves to always be obedient to His Call! Amen!

Be hungry!

God Bless,