Wednesday, September 30, 2009

A prayer of warfare!

Dear Lord, Your Word tells us "For though we walk in the flesh, we do not war according to the flesh. For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal but mighty in God for pulling down strongholds, casting down arguments and every high thing that exalts itself against the knowledge of God, bringing every thought into captivity to the obedience of Christ" (2 Corinthians 10:3-5). I pray right now, in the name of Jesus, that you would rebuke every evil thought, tear down every stronghold in my life, and help me Lord, to bring every thought into captivity to the obedience of Christ. Help me to overcome and to rise above all that pulls me down. Help me to soar with the Eagles and restore fellowship with You. May my life be a living testimony to You, Oh God. In the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Amen.

Thursday, September 24, 2009

The Church

Taken from Os Hillman's Daily Devotionals:

The Church
TGIF Today God Is First Volume 2, by Os Hillman

"Five of you will chase a hundred, and a hundred of you will chase ten thousand, and your enemies will fall by the sword before you" (Lev 26:8).

The Church is called to impact the world. The biblical definition "church" is not an institution or building, but rather it is made up of individuals. Jesus said "wherever two or more meet together, I am in the midst of them." The biblical word translated as "church" is ekklesia which is the original Greek meaning "the people of God."

The New Testament used this word in two different ways. Sometimes it refers to people of God gathered together in congregations. That is our traditional idea of the local church. But other times it means believers in general, wherever they might find themselves.

God calls the Church to be transformers of society through their collective influence. Jesus prayed that His Church would be unified in order for the world to respond to Him. "May they be brought to complete unity to let the world know that you sent me and have loved them even as you have loved me" (John 17:23). The enemy of the Church is secularism, a religion that says there is no God. When local congregations fail to come together as a collective voice and operate instead as individual silos in their community society is given over to the evils created as a result of an unbelieving society. Conversely, when the Body of Christ - the Church puts its collective resources together to solve societal issues, our enemies; crime, poverty, sexual perversion, etc. will fall by the sword of a unified Church.

God is birthing city coalitions of His Church among congregations in the city in order to fulfill John 17:23. Are you willing to be a catalyst in your community to see His Church take back your city?

Saturday, September 19, 2009

Ministry is Everywhere!

Today i woke up fresh at 8am, with a thought about Ministry. Truly, i think about it every day and night.

What is "ministry"? and why am I called to Ministry?

It's just like "ministry" of sound, food, etc... this is like a ministry of my faith, my religion, my God.

It's not even something lofty or abstract.

It can simply be translated to "service"... or as our faith calls it --- "Love".

Ministry, is like that ICCRS conference I attended in June this year -- it is "Love in Action".

Everything we do unto another, we do unto God.

SO even being a loving person in the office, when people needs your listening ear and smiling face for comfort... is "ministry".

Even going out with friends (maybe non-christian?) and doing things for them like organising the next outing could be "ministry".

Even playing music with a group of buddies could be "ministry".

SO ministry is not just in church, on a Sunday, or in our youth group during that 2-3 hours of meeting when we see each other. It is everywhere.

Ministry is for life.

It is being Christlike, 24/7.

YAM featured video #6... “One Thing”

Hi all,

Presenting our YAM featured video #6 >>>> “One Thing” by Hillsongs United!

This song is not entirely the easiest song to sing for a P&W session. But the words are really meaningful. Just listen to this song. What touches you? Share with us a comment or 2!

For me, what touches me is that this song helps me to come back to the purpose of ministry, the purpose of my life even! And that is just One Thing – Jesus. This song brings me back into the heart of worship!


One thing I desire
One thing I seek
To gaze upon Your beauty
And Your majesty
God of my salvation
Lifter of my head
Teach me how to live oh Lord
In Your righteousness

So I pray to You
So I pray to You

Lord Your name
Is higher than the heavens
Lord Your name
Is higher than all created things
Higher than hope
Higher than dreams
The name of the Lord

In the day of trouble
You cover me
In the secret place of refuge
Lord I will sing

I will seek Your face
Call upon Your name Jesus
All I want is You

Friday, September 4, 2009

Video #5: It Is YOU.... Jesus!

Our video #5 has been selected! We chose this because it is in line with our current theme for our confirmation 3 attachment "Treasure". The Treasure that we HAVE within us, is JESUS... and it is more than the finest Gold in the world.

This Treasure... sometimes, we might not see it. Well, have you ever experienced this change in perception? Where you suddenly realise that the things of God is not the things of this world? This awakening of your spiritual perception? if you have, then continue to journey on... Do not let the world take you back into it's ways of old.

"It is you" by Hillsongs!

Lamp unto my feet
Light unto my path
It is You
Jesus, It is You

This treasure that I hold
More than finest gold
It is You
Jesus, It is You

With all my heart
With all my soul
I live to worship You
And praise forevermore
Praise forevermore

Lord everyday
I need You more
On wings of Heaven I will soar
With You

You take my brokenness
And call me to yourself
There You stand
Heal me in Your hand

God Bless,