Sunday, October 12, 2008

Come & Go

Today I just thought of this two words: Come and Go.

We can look at it in a few ways. Firstly... Is Jesus someone in our lives who just "Comes" and "Goes"? We experience Him during a camp, or during the Mass, but does that experience stick on or do we forget it after a while? In other words, we may sometimes actually treat our best friend and saviour, Jesus, as someone who "comes to us"... and "goes off".... an acquaintance. We don't want Him to stay around too long. Just for a short while. We can do without him most of the time...

Another way of looking at it is, JESUS being the source - of everything (life, joy, peace, rest, abundance)... and WE are the ones who "Come to Jesus" and "Go Forth" to spread the Good News. In other word, JESUS is the pivot and unmoving. Everlasting, forever, the same. But we are the ones who move to him when he says "come" and we go away, filled, empowered, encouraged by knowing Him.

So "Come and Go" has so many ways of looking at it. What does it look like for your life?

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